Service Features

☆ 提供非贸付汇的绿色通道,加快税务审核进程,降低非贸付汇的税收成本;


☆ 提供税务登记、变更、注销的绿色通道,加快税务审核的进程,提高企业经营效率;




☆ 提供企业申请税收优惠政策的绿色通道,协助企业尽快享受优惠政策;


☆ 提供高新技术企业享受优惠税收政策的绿色通道,协助企业尽快享受国家高新技术产业税收优惠政策;


☆ 提供境内外技术合同认定及免税申请的绿色通道,协助企业尽快享受优惠政策;


☆ 投资或收购项目的涉税风险评估,提出解决方案,并出具尽职调查报告;


☆ 关联交易的税收筹划、转让定价、预约定价、风险评估等,为企业降低相关涉税风险及税收成本;


☆ 其他。

Green channels for non-trade foreign exchange payment for purpose of hastening the process of taxation audit and lowering the relate tax cost;


Green channels for taxation registration, modification and cancellation for purpose of hastening the process of taxation audit and increasing operational efficiency of enterprises;


Green channels for application and cancellation of normal VAT payers for purpose of hastening the process of taxation audit and lowering the relate tax cost of enterprises;


Green channels for applying for preferential taxation policy by enterprise, helping them to enjoy favorable conditions ASAP;


Green channels for enjoying preferential taxation policy by high-tech enterprises, helping them to share the related favorable conditions ASAP;


Green channels for technology contract acknowledgment from inside and outside China as well as for application for tax exemption, helping enterprises to enjoy favorable conditions ASAP;


Tax-related risk evaluation for investment or acquisition projects, providing solutions and due diligence report;


Tax revenue planning, transfer pricing, advance pricing and risk evaluating, etc. related with connected transaction, helping enterprises to reduce the tax-related risks and tax cost;



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